
Our main ministry is our Sunday Morning service. We meet in the Community Resource Centre on 1 Lowood Rd. Our services run from 10-11am, followed by morning tea together.

What to expect?

If you haven’t been to our church or any church before, this is what you can expect. When you arrive, you will be greeted at the door by someone from the church, who will point you towards where the service is held, and direct you to a seat. The main elements in our services include:

There will be a talk from the bible. These usually go for around 25 minutes. We do this because the preaching of the Word of God, the bible is our priority. We believe that God still speaks to us today as his bible is opened and explained. We make it our aim to listen carefully to what God has to say and to respond in obedience, thankfulness, and praise.

We will sing songs together. People love to sing songs about people we find worthy of our love and praise. It is the same with God. Because He is infinitely worthy of our praise, we sing to him to express our love. We also sing to one another, encouraging and teaching each other as a family of believers.

We will pray to God. We praise him in our prayers because he is bigger and more awesome than anything else. And we ask him to help us because we are weak and need his help. In our services, prayer will be scattered through the whole service. Sometimes they will be long and sometimes short.

Every fortnight we also share in what we call the Lord’s supper, or communion. This is a tradition that Jesus gave us to help us remember what he has done for us. When we do this, a leader first explains the significance of what we are doing, and then pieces of bread and grape juice are distributed.


Is there anything for kids?

Yes! We have a children’s program called Kids For Christ prior to the service and a cry room for the younger ones during the sermon. Jesus loved kids and so do we. And we believe the best thing for any kid is Jesus Christ. He cares about kids so much that he gave his life freely so that they could be part of God’s family. Because of this, Jesus is at the center of everything we do with our kids.

Kids for Christ is a safe, age-appropriate environment led by a team of people who are passionate to see children know and love Jesus. Our all leaders have been screened, done safe church training, and had police clearances.

Kids for Christ runs during our services. We have two age groups. The younger group is for kids aged term 2 kindy until year 3. The older group is for year 4’s to year 6’s.

We also have a cry room available for use during service.

Life Groups

Life groups are the heart of Church life outside our Sunday services. Each life group is slightly different, yet essentially, they are groups of people who meet weekly to encourage, care for each other and the community, pray, read the bible, and just do life together. We have mixed groups of various ages, along with groups for men, women, mums, youth and elderly. If you would like to get involved in a life group or find out more, please contact us.